Luna is out

The anthology Luna is out. This is an amazing collection of authors and I happen to have a story in this collection.

Luna book cover

The Black Dogs of Luna is my first published story. When the editors called for submissions and gave the general parameters–the moon, the huntress, lunacy, and so forth–I was immediately struck with the seed of an idea. The characters had already existed in my head (and two of them in an unpublished short story), and the plot seemed to appear in my head fully formed. There were of course “what happens next?” and “why would so and so do such and such?” and issues with how to write action scenes that I battled with, but they were secondary to what I wanted to write.

In the end, it was almost a cathartic experience.

So, please pick up a copy of Luna from Amazon (or wherever you find it, if and when it is sold elsewhere) and read some stories by a slew of amazing authors. And maybe read my story too. I hope you enjoy it.


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