Paul Go was born and raised in the midwest. A child of science fiction and fantasy, he was influenced by a variety of books, movies, television shows, and other things, all of which seep into his writing. Star Wars and Buck Rogers, The Lord of the Rings and Ringworld, Claremont’s X-Men, Byrne’s Fantastic Four and Alpha Flight, Miller’s Ronin and Dark Knight Returns, Battle of the Planets and Johnny Quest, Seven Samurai and Ran, Dungeons and Dragons and Star Frontiers, Monty Python’s Flying Circus and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the list goes on and on.

Librarian by day, Author by night (well, actually early morning), he strives to live in the mold of the Shadow and Clark Kent: a double life of serving others and doing good in the world.

He enjoys spending his time with his family and coming up with awful jokes to make them groan.